Truth Awning Window Operators & Hardware
Amesbury Truth Awning Window operators have several mounting plates, assorted brackets, keepers, clips and misc. hardware to attach the operator to the window. These parts are listed in the Truth Awning Window Parts category. The mounting plates vary in size and to insure a proper replacement check all measurements.
26 Products
Lever Operator, 23-1/4" Arm w/ removable escutcheon for pvc or metal windows - Choose ColorLever Operator 23-1/4" Arm555012-W-BLEM
Blemished Roto Operator, 16-1/8" Scissor, Single Hook, WhiteSingle Hook Roto Operator15.71-AWN
Truth Ellipse 15.71 Single 13-1/2 Arm Awning Window Operator - CHOOSE COLORSingle 13-1/2 Arm11.12-Awn
Truth 11.12 Roto Awning Operator, 16-1/8 inch Scissor Type, Single Hook - CHOOSE COLOR16-1/8" Scissor Awning, Single Hook55099-CBRZ
Truth 51.00.xx Maxim Awning Window Operator, Sill Mount - Chestnut BronzeAwning Operator - Chestnut Bronze51.00-AWN
Truth Maxim 51.00 Awning Window 14-1/2" Sill Mount OperatorSill Mount Awning 14-1/2" Arms
Truth Operator, Single Pull Lever, 13-1/8 inch - Longer F-Plate13-1/8" Truth Single Pull Lever Operator555003
Truth Operator For Awning Window Single Hook Pull Lever 20.5 Inch Operator20-1/2" Truth Lever Awning Operator, Single Pull555004
Truth Operator, Single Hook, Pull Lever, 20-1/2 inch - Longer F Plate20-1/2 Single Hook Pull Operator - F Plate555006
Truth Operator, Dual Hook, Lever, 23-1/4” - Longer F Plate 23-1/4 Dual Hook, - long “F” plate555011
Truth Roto-Gear Operator Crank, 12 inch Scissor, Single Hook - Choose Color12" Truth Roto Operator, Single Hook555012
Amesbury Truth Roto-Gear Window Operator 16-1/8 inch Scissor Single Hook16-1/8" Truth Roto crank Operator555013
Truth Awning Operator, 21-1/2 inch Single Hook Roto Gear Operator Choose Color21-1/2" Awning Operator555015
Truth Operator, Roto Crank, 25in. Dual Arm, Scissor Type, Double Hook - Choose Color25" Truth Double Pull Awning Operator555022
Truth Entrygard Dual Arm Awning Roto Crank Operator - 20-5/8 inchAwning Window Roto Crank Operator555023
Truth Entrygard Dual Arm Awning Roto Crank Operator 28-3/4 inch28-3/4 Truth Roto Crank Awning Operator555043
Amesbury Truth Dual Arm Awning Operator Front Mount White Window OperatorTruth Awning Operator