1 Point Mortise Locks
36 Products
Common Mortise Lock, Vertical Slot Metal Sliding Patio Doors, W & F StyleAluminum / Metal Patio Door Lock, Very Common 15100-SS
Mortise Lock For Sliding Patio Doors Vertical Key Way Stainless Steel Mortise Door LockSliding Patio Door Mortise Lock- Stainless Steel14122
Plastic Slide Assembly, Sliding Patio Door, with Metal ForksSlide Assembly, with Metal Forks15062
Mortise Lock and Keeper - Sliding Patio Door, 45 Degree Keyway Aluminum/SteelSliding Patio Door Mortise Lock and Keeper15103
Keyed Locking Unit, Sliding Patio Door, Diecast - ZincKeyed Sliding Patio Door Locking Unit15138
Single Point Mortise Lock with Trim Plate with 45 Degree Slot for Sliding Glass Door - AluminumSingle Point Mortise Lock with Trim301037
UNAVAIL. Papaiz Sliding Door Mortise Lock - Replacement Avail.Discontinued Papaiz Mortise Lock15198
Unavailable - Internal Lock, Daryl Patiorama Gold Handle - N/ADiscontinued Mortise Lock15076
Adams Rite Internal Latch Assembly Surface Mount HandleSliding Patio Door Latch Assembly15077
Internal Lock Assembly, 45 Degree Keyway, Sliding Patio Door - SteelSEE REPLACEMENT OPTIONS15078
Internal Lock Assembly with Vertical Keyway for Sliding Patio DoorsSliding Patio Door Lock15074
Mortise Lock, 45 ° Slot, Auto Lock, Square Face End - AdamsSliding Patio Door Mortise Lock15331-YDI
Mortise Lock and Trim Plate with 45 Degree Slot for Sliding Glass Door Yellow DichromateSliding Door Mortise Lock and Trim Plate15147-YDI-KIT
Yellow Dichromate Mortise Lock with Face Plate, Vertical SlotMortise Lock with Face Plate15095
Mortise Lock for Sliding Patio Door with Unique Body and Vertical KeywaySliding Door Mortise Lock15998
Mortise Lock with Recessed Housing for Sliding Patio DoorSliding Patio Door Latch Lever