1 Point Mortise Locks
12 Products
Mortise Lock For Sliding Patio Doors 45 Degrees Slot For For Wood And Vinyl Sliding Patio DoorsWood & Vinyl Patio Door Lock, Very Common 301037
UNAVAIL. Papaiz Sliding Door Mortise Lock - Replacement Avail.Discontinued Papaiz Mortise Lock15320-W
Mortise Latch Assembly With Recessed Faceplate; Peachtree Sliding Door - WhiteMortise Latch With Recessed Faceplate; Peachtree 15331-YDI
Mortise Lock and Trim Plate with 45 Degree Slot for Sliding Glass Door Yellow DichromateSliding Door Mortise Lock and Trim Plate15147-YDI-KIT
Yellow Dichromate Mortise Lock with Face Plate, Vertical SlotMortise Lock with Face Plate15331-PB
Mortise Lock and Trim Plate with 45 Degree Slot for Sliding Glass Door Polished BrassSliding Door Mortise Lock and Faceplate